Wednesday, May 23, 2012



The 2th Term 2012 school holiday in Brunei Darussalam has commenced on 11th June 2012, Thursday and will end on 16th June 2012, Monday. The holiday is only for 9 days. When the school holiday i will spent three days at home cleaning my bedroom, house and helping the others family members , three days spending my time with the family outing like shopping, dinner and so on and the other 3 days i will prepare myself revising for my upcoming exam which is on 23 July.

When the 1st Term


On 12th May our school celebrate the family day which was held at our foyer at the new buildings. It was the first family celebration in our school and in Brunei with the theme "Keluargaku, Harapanku" which means "My Family,My Hope" .

The events started at 8 am until 11.30 am. First is the aerobic session and it was held by Teacher Nur Izyan and the others Zumba students.There was alot of games and activities made by the teachers. Students and their parents had alot of fun on that day. The purpose of this family day is to develop strong relationships between family members and their childrens.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

SUFMA event in my school..

On Saturday, 28th April 2012, my school Sufri Bolkiah having the sports day. It was held at Sports Complex Tutong. There were a lot of activity, perfomance and games by the students and teachers. Weeks before the Sports Day, children start giving their names for different events, and then, after the school hours, practices start.

The games and Sports last for about three hours and then comes the most interesting moment of the function - the moment of appreciating the winners by awarding them gifts and prizes and medals.
There was 4 house in our school which is Menteri Gambai, Menteri Taib, Panglima Perkasa and Bendahari Badar. Menteri Gambai comes as the 1st place. The pricipal gave away the prizes to the winners.

It was because Menteri Gambai has a talented students who really active in sports.